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Women Empowerment: Getting Started With Lifting

Do you want to know if a woman can do strength training or not? Luckily, you’ll get the answer to your question here. Keep reading till the end to explore more about it.

Sandra Adams
Women Empowerment: Getting Started With Lifting
Table Of Contents

Are you new to the weightlifting world and shy about doing the workout amongst all the guys? Well, once in a while, it happens to every other female.

When you enter the gym for the first time, you find many people doing several workouts and using elliptical machines. Watching them may intimidate you and make you follow them, but don't.

Do not follow the herd of people doing workouts mindlessly and not getting anywhere. Whatever your fitness goals—to get healthier, lose weight or gain muscle mass, weight training is the answer to all.

One of the best things about weight lifting is that you can use it according to your goals. If your goal is to lose weight, you can do it by gaining muscle mass.

Maybe you didn't know this before, but your muscles can burn more calories than fat. The more muscle mass you gain, the quicker you lose weight.

Now you may be thinking, won't heavy lifting make you bulky or muscular? That's the most common concern of every female, and they fear that lifting 10 lb dumbbells will turn them into a Hulk. But the truth is, it won't. Weight training will not just help you feel confident about yourself but will tone and tighten your body perfectly.

Why Women Should Strength Train?

Women today can lift weights and involve themselves in strength training, but it has nothing to do with fat loss or slimming down. The value of women is not determined by the body fat percentage or body shape. It’s time to stop using health and fitness training to gain acceptance in society for the way you look.

The primary and ultimate purpose of strength training among women is to empower them to make decisions for life on their own. They can change the way they look and work on their aesthetics without judgement. This is the reason why women should strength train.

However, there are some more reasons for women to strength train, here are just a few of the best ones.

Strength Training is Empowering

Women have been breaking barriers and knocking down walls for years. We've proven time and time again that we're just as strong, capable, and powerful as men. And yet, there's still a lot of pressure on women to look a certain way - to be skinny and perfect and flawless.

It's exhausting, really. But you know what? Ignore that noise. We're done being told how we should look.

It's time to start feeling good about ourselves, no matter what our size or shape may be. And that's where strength training comes in.

When you strength train, you're not just building muscles and burning calories. You're building confidence and learning to love your body for exactly what it is.

You're empowering yourself to be strong, both mentally and physically. So go ahead and lift those weights. You've got this!

It Makes You Feel Great

People do weight training to burn as many calories as possible. However, sometimes an intense workout can make women feel exhausted at the end of the week or after a month of training.

But when strength training is done correctly, it can make you feel great. It helps to improve your performance, keeps you motivated, and you don’t feel tired after a workout.

It Positively Affects Your Entire Life

When you work out, your body gains energy and becomes capable of doing daily tasks efficiently. Whether it be chores around the house or holding heavy groceries in one arm while balancing something else on top - strength training will help get these things done quickly without making yourself exhausted!

Moreover, strengthening your body improves your sleep quality and makes a positive difference in your everyday life with every passing day.

It Builds You Up, Mentally and Physically

Strength training to gain fitness is not a punishment but an excellent tool to become the best version of yourself. Regardless of your goals, strength training helps you learn new skills, improves your quality of life, and makes you mentally and physically fit and active.

Women Weight Training Myths

There are several myths about women's strength training that anyone can believe easily. However, considering those myths makes women miss out on the phenomenal benefits of strength training. That's why it is necessary to learn the correct information. The common myths include;

  • Weight training will make you bulky
  • It is hazardous
  • You must know about all weight machines
  • You should have the strength to workout
  • You cannot lose weight
  • People will make fun of you

Unfortunately, the list goes on. However, women can do strength training, build muscle, burn fat, or any other goals with the guidance of a trainer. In return, all it requires of you is consistency.

Motivation and consistency are the ways to prove the myths regarding weight training incorrect. It doesn't matter if you are new to weight training; you will get the hang of it with time.

Not only will you get the hang of the training, but it will also help you learn about different machines, their uses and how to perform weight lifting correctly.

Also, no one will laugh at you. Staying focused during your workout will help you explore more about yourself. To cut it short, you will be amazed to see your capabilities and realize all those myths were nothing but wrong.

Now that your concern has been addressed, let's consider why weight lifting is essential?

1. Development of Good Movement Patterns

Have you ever heard that if you keep making a specific face, you will get stuck that way? Well, it is true to some extent. The human movement system is prone to dysfunctional movement patterns and muscle imbalance.

It's the reason why many adults suffer from chronic shoulder, knee and neck pain. Many adults deal with one of these musculoskeletal pains at some point in life, which is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

To overcome this issue, strength training plays a beneficial role by targeting your underactive group muscles. It decreases musculoskeletal pains by improving your overall moving pattern, i.e helping you move pain-free.

2. Increases Resting Metabolic Rate

Did you know most of our Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) comes from the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), which is responsible for 60-70% of TDEE? The lean body mass, i-e, bones, body water, muscle, and connective tissue, have a substantial effect on overall RMR and a person's metabolic rate because muscles are metabolically active.

To know your RMR, you can use an online calculator. However, to understand it more clearly, take an example of two girls having the same height of 5'4" and weight of 140 lbs. At first glance, you may think both have the same metabolic rate, but it's not true. There lies a difference.

One of them is a weight lifter, while the other girl has a sedentary lifestyle. The weight lifter works out five days a week and has a fat of 18 percent of total body weight compared to the other girl comprising 35 percent of her total body weight. That leaves the weight lifter with a lean body mass of 114 lbs while the other has 90 lbs.

This example shows how increased muscle mass due to weight lifting can result in fat loss over time. It's not only about strength training but the amount of effort that goes into it. Moreover, strength training increases TDEE and gives you a leaner physique.

To sum it up, having an increased muscle mass leads to more calorie burn every day and not only on the days we train.

3. Improved Bone Mineral Density

It's no secret that bones play a vital role in our overall health and well-being. Not only do they provide structure and support for our bodies, but they also protect our organs and help us move. However, as we age, our bones can become weaker and more fragile. This is why it's important to engage in resistance training, which can help to improve bone mineral density.

By working the muscles and tendons around the bone, strength training can help to increase bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. In addition, strength-training exercises can also help to improve balance and coordination, further reducing the risk of falls. As we age, it's important to take steps to protect our bones. Strength training is one of the best ways to do this.

4. Better Mood & Improved Confidence

Weight training is beneficial in enhancing a person's mood and self-confidence. Whether it is weight lifting or any other exercise, it decreases depression by producing mood-improving neurotransmitters such as endorphins, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

Data suggests women involved in strength training programs are more confident or have a higher level of confidence. In short, strength training is the main factor in improving women's mood and confidence.

Tips to Get You Training

  • Do Your Research: You can pick a few copies of magazines on women who are weight lifters or check their websites and take tips from there on lifting weights. Also, you can watch videos on forms and techniques to follow while lifting weights so you do not face injury.
  • Hire a Trainer: Hiring a personal trainer will help you learn different weight lifting techniques and forms if you are a newbie. The trainer will critique your weight lifting forms and guide you on how to attain the perfect form.
  • Use the Mirrors: Well, if you knew it before or not, those mirrors in the gym are to help you keep a look at your forms during the workout. Glance at the front and side mirrors and ensure you are in the correct form.
  • Stay Hydrated: Take a water bottle to the gym and stay hydrated. When you work out hard, your muscles need water to recover. Keep drinking that water all day, so you work out much better.
  • Stretch: After lifting weight, take some time to stretch. After every workout, hold the stretch for at least 20 to 30 seconds. Doing stretches will help you with muscle soreness and keep them loose.
  • Don't Be Shy to Ask For Help: When you build up a routine of visiting the gym daily, you will find a lot of regulars there. If you need help during a workout, don't hesitate to ask for help and ask away. Those gym mates will be more than happy to help and guide you.
  • Eat Healthy & Take Pre-Workouts: Most people think if they work hard, they can eat anything. But it's not like that. Do not let your efforts go in vain by eating horribly. You will see some serious results if you eat healthily. Moreover, to boost your training, you can add pre-workouts by DMoose to the fitness routine. They help to keep you focused and speed up your workout.


1. What are some common mistakes women make when starting to lift weights?

One of the most common mistakes is not warming up properly when weight training. Warming up helps increase blood flow to your muscles and reduces the risk of injury. It's also important to use proper form and technique when lifting weights. Common mistakes include using too much weight, not using enough weight, or not using proper form.

2. What are some tips for women who want to start lifting weights?

Some tips for starting to do heavy lifting include:- Use a lightweight to start with and gradually increase the amount of weight you lift as you get stronger.- Focus on using proper form and technique. This will help you avoid injury and get the most out of your workout.- Make sure to warm up properly before lifting weights. Warming up helps increase blood flow to your muscles and reduces the risk of injury.

3. How often should women lift weights?

There is no set answer to this question. It depends on your individual goals and fitness level. If you are new to lifting weights, you may want to start with two or three days per week. As you get stronger, you can increase the frequency of your workouts.

If you have any specific questions, please consult with a qualified fitness professional.

4. What are some of the best exercises for women who want to start lifting weights?

Some of the best exercises for women who want to start lifting weights include:- squats- lunges- deadlifts- overhead presses- rows- bicep curls. These exercises are all compound exercises, which means they involve multiple joints and muscle groups. This makes them ideal for beginners because they provide a full-body workout.

5. What should I eat if I want to start lifting weights?

If you want to start lifting weights, it's important to eat a healthy diet that includes protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Eating enough protein is important because it helps your body repair and rebuilds muscle tissue. Carbohydrates are important for energy, and healthy fats help support joint health. But we suggest going to a personal trainer for guidance.

6. What should I avoid eating if I want to start lifting weights?

If you want to start strength training, there are a few things you should avoid eating. These include:- processed foods- sugary drinks- excessive amounts of alcohol.

7. What supplements should I take if I want to start lifting weights?

There are a few supplements you may want to consider taking if you want to start weight training. These include:- protein powder- creatine- beta-alanine.

8. How do I know if I'm doing the exercises correctly?

If you're new to weight training, it's important to consult with a qualified fitness professional. They can help you learn proper form and technique. Once you have the hang of things, you can use exercise videos or online tutorials to make sure you're doing the exercises correctly.


There are multiple reasons why strength training is essential and how it improves the lifestyle of females. There are various tips given above to get started with weight lifting. Furthermore, weight lifting will increase your self-confidence and also will improve your health. It offers you an excellent opportunity to set goals for yourself and also is great for your mind.

Reading List

Article Sources

  • Davis, M. A., Onega, T., Weeks, W. B., & Lurie, J. D. (2012). Where the United States Spends Its Spine Dollars. Spine, 37(19), 1693–1701.
  • Basso, J. C., & Suzuki, W. A. (2017). The Effects of Acute Exercise on Mood, Cognition, Neurophysiology, and Neurochemical Pathways: A Review. Brain Plasticity, 2(2), 127–152.
  • Seguin, R. A., Eldridge, G., Lynch, W., & Paul, L. C. (2013). Strength Training Improves Body Image and Physical Activity Behaviors Among Midlife and Older Rural Women. Journal of Extension, 51(4), 4FEA2.

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Sandra Adams

Hi, I'm Sandra Adams, a certified personal trainer and fitness blogger dedicated to helping women reach their health and wellness goals. With over a decade of experience in the fitness industry, I specialize in crafting effective, easy-to-follow workout routines that fit into even the busiest schedules. 

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