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How Long Does Ashwagandha Take to Work? Explained

Ashwagandha is a popular herb that decreases anxiety and stress and improves sleep. Learn about Ashwagandha, its benefits, and how long it takes to work in your body.

Emilia Moore
How Long Does Ashwagandha Take to Work? Explained
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Ashwagandha is an ancient herb used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to help reduce stress and anxiety. It's one of the most popular herbs in India, and its popularity has spread worldwide as people realize its many potential benefits. But how long does Ashwagandha take to work?

The answer is more complex, as it depends on your current level of health, lifestyle choices, and other factors. It is also recommended that it might take up to three months before you start feeling the full effects of the herb. Read on to learn more about what science has taught us about this powerful natural remedy.

"Ashwagandha has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to increase energy, improve overall health and reduce inflammation, pain, and anxiety," says Dr. Lin.

Short-Term Effects of Ashwagandha

Short-Term Effects of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, or Withania somnifera, is an adaptogenic herb used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. When taken in the short term, ashwagandha can immediately affect the body and mind.

One of the most significant effects is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety levels. This is due to its ability to lower cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for the body's stress response. Additionally, ashwagandha can help improve brain function by increasing the production of acetylcholine, an essential neurotransmitter for learning and memory.

Other short-term benefits of taking ashwagandha include reduced inflammation, improved sleep quality, and increased energy levels. While the duration of the short-term effects varies from person to person, users may begin to notice positive changes within a few days of taking ashwagandha.

Long-Term Effects of Ashwagandha

Long-Term Effects of Ashwagandha

If you're looking for a natural solution to your stress, anxiety, and mood issues, you might have heard of Ashwagandha. This ancient herb from India is known for its adaptogenic properties, which may help the body cope with everyday stressors and promote overall balance and wellness.

But how long does Ashwagandha take to work, and what are its long-term effects? The answer to the first question depends on several factors, such as your individual physiology, dosage, and form of supplementation.

Some people report feeling the benefits of Ashwagandha within hours or days, while others may need to take it for a few weeks or months to see noticeable results. As for the long-term effects, research suggests that Ashwagandha may offer several health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving cognitive function, and enhancing sexual performance.

However, more studies are needed to confirm these effects and understand how Ashwagandha works in the body. So if you're considering taking Ashwagandha, it's best to consult your healthcare provider and start with a low dose to see how your body responds.

Factors Influencing How Ashwagandha Works

Factors Influencing How Ashwagandha can bring to your sexual Health

Nowadays, the effects of Ashwagandha have been studied extensively by researchers, and it is gaining popularity as an effective natural remedy for many health issues. While several factors can influence how well this herb works for you, understanding these factors can help you maximize the benefits to your health.

Your Current Health and Wellbeing: If you have existing health issues or your body is already under a lot of stress from other sources, then Ashwagandha may take longer to start working. Additionally, if you're taking medications or supplements that interact with ashwagandha, this could also slow down its effects.

Dosage: The amount of ashwagandha supplement you take will affect the rate at which it works. Generally, the recommended dosage is 150-1000 milligrams per day. You may need to adjust your dosage depending on the strength of the supplement you're using and your body chemistry. Remember to always consult with your Doctor before starting any new supplements.

Form of Supplementation: Ashwagandha is available in different forms, such as capsules, powders, tinctures, and teas. Each form has its absorption rate and efficacy, so choosing the one that best meets your needs is essential.

Length of Use: If you're looking for long-term relief from stress and anxiety, ashwagandha should be taken consistently to maximize its effects.

Freshness: Not only is freshness paramount when it comes to herbal remedies, but potency as well. As a plant-based remedy, its efficacy gradually decreases over time.

Consequently, if the supplement you purchase is past its expiration date or has been mishandled, there's no guarantee that the product will be effective and safe for consumption. Although contamination of these herbs is rare, it remains an ever-present danger!

Quality of the Herb: Additionally, the quality of an herb can be a determining factor. Climate, soil composition, and pH levels, as well as the health and nutrition of the plant, all contribute to its biological makeup; it is for this reason that modern medicine has opted away from using herbs in treatments - consistency is paramount when treating any illness or medical condition.

Depending on the desired outcome, it could take longer to see results. For example, suppose you are taking ashwagandha for weight loss. In that case, it may be difficult to notice any difference in fat storage, considering a small amount of change is expected over time.

However, taking this supplement for anxiety and stress can produce faster effects as everyone's body reacts differently.

In addition to these factors, it's also important to consider your lifestyle habits when taking ashwagandha. Eating a healthy, balanced diet, getting regular exercise and enough sleep, and managing your stress levels can help optimize the effects of ashwagandha on your body.

You can also take intra-workout supplements with Ashwagandha to experience its benefits more quickly and effectively.

In short, everyone's experience with Ashwagandha will be different, so giving yourself time to find the correct dosage and adjust your lifestyle habits as needed is essential.

Additionally, it may take weeks or months to see noticeable results from taking ashwagandha due to its cumulative effect over time. However, if you practice patience and consistency, you may find it worth the wait.

How to Know That Ashwagandha is Working

How to Know that Ashwagandha is Working

Several signs indicate that Ashwagandha is working for you. These include improved sleep quality, increased energy, improved mental clarity and focus, and reduced stress levels.

Additionally, people who take ashwagandha often report feeling more balanced emotionally and overall well-being. If you don't notice these effects after a few weeks or months, it may be time to adjust your dosage or try a different supplementation.

It's also important to consult your healthcare provider if you experience any side effects such as nausea, headaches, stomach upset, or rash when taking Ashwagandha.

Ultimately, the best way to know if Ashwagandha is right for you is to try it and pay attention to how your body responds. Give yourself enough time to experience the benefits, but don't be afraid to adjust as needed.

Side Effects of Ashwagandha

It's essential to keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to supplements and medications, so it's always best to speak with your doctor before starting any new treatment plan. Though Ashwagandha is generally safe and well-tolerated, there are still some side effects that you should be aware of. These are as follows:

Nausea: Some people may experience nausea when taking ashwagandha due to its bitter taste. Taking it with food or mixing it into a smoothie may help reduce this side effect.

Headache: Headaches rarely occur due to the body detoxifying from stress hormones. Drinking plenty of water and getting adequate rest if you experience any headaches while taking ashwagandha is essential.

Stomach Upset: Ashwagandha has been known to cause stomach upset in some people, especially if taken on an empty stomach. Taking it with food or reducing your dosage may help alleviate this side effect.

Rash: In rare cases, ashwagandha can cause a rash due to its immunomodulatory effects. If you experience a rash after taking ashwagandha, stop taking the supplement and consult your healthcare provider.

So How Much Time Should I Expect?

What is the average period for Ashwagandha to take effect? It's hard to say definitively, as many factors can influence this timeline. Generally, clinical studies of ashwagandha last at least 30 days before any results are measured.

This is because most herbal remedies take a while before they work magic! However, some simple effects, like decreased cortisol levels and blood sugar, can usually be seen after two weeks.

Ultimately, it may require up to 60 days for you to experience the full benefits of the herb.

If you take ashwagandha in the morning, you may have a more stress-free day. Minor benefits on stress levels make it easier to ignore minor irritations and daily stressors. It may only do a little the first few times, but if you take it consistently for a few weeks, you should notice a tangible difference over time.

Due to its drowsiness side effect, Ashwagandha taken in the evening can be a natural sleep aid. Within one week, it may already present similar effects as low doses of melatonin. Taking ashwagandha for at least two months is recommended to enjoy full anti-anxiety benefits.

In summary, the timeline for various benefits can range from 7 to 90 days. Immediately, you may experience reductions in cortisol levels, blood pressure,, and sugar concentrations and improved sleep if a sleep aid is used.

Depending on the severity of anxiety or depression that you suffer from, mood changes could take up to two weeks before appearing noticeably; however, it is highly individualized. Lastly, physiological changes like testosterone level fluctuations, fertility,, and body composition adjustments are much slower and require more time before they become visible.

The impact of Ashwagandha on your body is highly dependent on the quantity you take and why you're taking it, as well as other factors, including individual chemistry. Here are a few examples:

  • 500 mg taken daily over 6-12 weeks may decrease anxiety levels.
  • 250 mg daily for 4 weeks has been linked to lowered blood sugar levels.
  • Taking 3,000mg divided into multiple doses each day for four weeks can produce more significant reductions in glucose count.
  • If fertility enhancement is desired, 5,000mg should be ingested daily for 90 days - also, muscle growth gains by 1.5x within 8 weeks have been reported when 500mg was taken daily.

This medication's effects and duration depend on the dosage, purpose, and various other factors. Furthermore, outcomes, such as improved immunity, can be difficult to track accurately.

Before taking ashwagandha as a supplement, speaking with your doctor first is essential. This is especially true if you take larger doses or use the herb for specific purposes.

Ashwagandha can react with some medications and pose risks such as side effects-especially for pregnant women. Though this herb is generally considered safe and unlikely to cause any toxicity issues, there might be a few exceptions where its use isn't recommended.


1. How long do the effects of Ashwagandha last?

The answer to how long it takes for Ashwagandha to work depends on various factors, including the type and form of Ashwagandha used and the individual taking it. Generally speaking, users may expect to feel its effects within 1-3 weeks when taken consistently.

2. Are there any interactions between Ashwagandha and other medications?

Yes. It's essential to consult your healthcare provider if you are taking any medications before starting Ashwagandha.

3. When should you avoid consuming Ashwagandha?

It is essential to avoid taking Ashwagandha if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a known medical condition.

Additionally, people on certain medications should speak with their healthcare provider before starting Ashwagandha, as it can interact with some medications. Lastly, it is not recommended for children and should always be taken under the guidance of a healthcare provider.


Ashwagandha is a herbal supplement with many potential benefits, including reduced anxiety and improved immunity. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider before taking this supplement as it can interact with some medications and pose risks such as side effects-especially for pregnant women.

Additionally, the time until you feel its effects are highly individualized and can range from a few weeks to several months

Lastly, avoiding taking Ashwagandha if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a known medical condition is essential. With these key takeaways in mind, you now have the information to make an informed decision about using this supplement for your health and wellness needs.

Article Sources

  • Ambiye, Vijay R., et al. "Clinical Evaluation of the Spermatogenic Activity of the Root Extract of Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) in Oligospermic Males: A Pilot Study." Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: ECAM, vol. 2013, 2013, p. 571420. PubMed,
  • Choudhary, Dnyanraj, Sauvik Bhattacharyya, and Kedar Joshi. "Body Weight Management in Adults Under Chronic Stress Through Treatment With Ashwagandha Root Extract: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial." Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, vol. 22, no. 1, Jan. 2017, pp. 96-106. PubMed,
  • Choudhary, Dnyanraj, Sauvik Bhattacharyya, and Sekhar Bose. "Efficacy and Safety of Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera (L.) Dunal) Root Extract in Improving Memory and Cognitive Functions." Journal of Dietary Supplements, vol. 14, no. 6, Nov. 2017, pp. 599-612. PubMed,

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Emilia Moore

I'm Emilia Moore, and I hold a master’s degree in Community Health Education. As a freelance writer based in the United States, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to a variety of online publications. My work has appeared not only on DMoose but also on several well-known blogging platforms, where I share my passion for health, wellness, and education.

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