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Here Are the 6 Best Adductor Exercises With Bands for Powerful Results

Discover the 6 best adductor exercises with bands for powerful results. Strengthen your lower body and achieve your fitness goals with this comprehensive guide. 

Rosie Ford
Here Are the 6 Best Adductor Exercises With Bands for Powerful Results
Table Of Contents

In fitness, where sculpting solid and well-defined muscles is the ultimate goal, it's easy for specific muscle groups to go unnoticed and undertrained.

Among these often-neglected areas are the adductor muscles on the inner thighs, which play a crucial role in stabilizing the hips, enhancing lower body strength, and improving overall athletic performance.

While traditional strength training exercises like squats and lunges target the larger muscle groups, the adductors often require specific attention and isolated exercises to reach their full potential. This is where resistance bands come into the picture as invaluable tools for adductor training.

With their elastic and versatile nature, resistance bands provide a unique way to activate and strengthen the adductors, ensuring a well-rounded lower-body workout.

Bands add targeted resistance and allow for a greater range of motion, effectively engaging the adductor muscles throughout their entire range.

Moreover, resistance bands offer progressive resistance, meaning you can gradually increase the tension and challenge your adductors as they become stronger.

This comprehensive guide will explore the 6 best adductor exercises using resistance bands to isolate and engage these often-neglected muscles.

Whether you're an athlete looking to improve your agility and power, a fitness enthusiast aiming for a balanced physique, or someone seeking to alleviate hip and knee discomfort, incorporating these exercises into your routine can yield remarkable results.

So, join us on this journey as we dive into adductor training with resistance bands and unlock the true potential of your lower body strength and stability. Get ready to sculpt, strengthen, and unleash the power of your adductor muscles like never before!

Anatomy of Adductor Muscles

Anatomy of Adductor Muscles

The adductor muscles, a collection of smaller muscles situated along the inner thigh, play a vital role in various lower-body movements. Their primary function is to bring the thighs toward the body's midline, aiding in hip stability during exercises and activities.

There are several specific muscles within the adductor group, each with unique contributions. The adductor magnus is the most significant muscle, supporting leg abduction, hip flexion, and internal rotation.

The adductor longus, the most superficial muscle, assists in adduction and hip internal rotation. Positioned between the magnus and longus, the adductor brevis primarily aids in thigh adduction but also contributes to flexion, extension, and external hip rotation.

The gracilis, visible on top of the other adductors, promotes thigh internal rotation and flexion. Lastly, the pectineus, a minor muscle connecting high in the thigh, assists in adduction and hip flexion.

Understanding the roles and functions of these adductor muscles is essential for targeted training and overall lower-body strength and mobility.

Benefits of Training the Adductor With Bands

Benefits of Training the Adductor With Bands

If you wish to enhance the strength of your adductors, utilizing resistance bands offers several notable benefits:

Decreased Risk of Groin Injuries

Weak adductors can lead to instability in the hip and knee, increasing the likelihood of groin pulls and strains. By strengthening the adductors, you can protect yourself from injuries during various activities, including sports, gym workouts, and everyday tasks.

You can incorporate DMoose Post-Workout Powder in your diet for instant injury recovery. This specially formulated powder supports muscle recovery, replenishes glycogen stores, and promotes post-workout rejuvenation.

Packed with a blend of fast-absorbing carbohydrates, essential amino acids, and critical recovery nutrients, DMoose Post-Workout Powder helps kickstart the recovery process, reduce muscle soreness, and support muscle growth and repair.

By providing your body with the necessary nutrients and fuel post-workout, this powder helps optimize recovery time and ensures that you're ready to tackle your next training session.

Enhanced Hip Performance

The adductors play a crucial role in pulling the legs inward and facilitating internal rotation of the femur. Insufficient internal rotation at the hip can limit the proper movement of the pelvis.

This restriction may hinder your ability to attain safe and optimal positions while engaging in activities like squatting, deadlifting, and running. Strengthening your adductors with resistance bands can counteract these limitations and promote improved hip performance.

Improved Balance

The adductors contribute significantly to hip stability, especially when standing on one leg. Weak adductors can disrupt your balance, leading to diminished, slower progress and potential knee, hip, and lower body muscle injuries.

You can enhance your balance and stability by incorporating adductor exercises using resistance bands. Standing adductor exercises, in particular, require additional balance and stability, resulting in a two-fold improvement in overall balance.

Versatile Training Anywhere

Resistance bands enable you to train your adductors without relying on machines or weights. The bands offer adjustable resistance levels, allowing you to modify the tension based on your needs and progress.

This versatility makes resistance bands ideal for warm-ups, strength-building exercises, and training sessions at home or on the go. You can easily carry them in your gym bag or incorporate them into your home workout routine.

6 Best Adductor Exercises With Bands

6 Best Adductor Exercises With Bands

Welcome to our guide on the 6 best adductor exercises with bands! These exercises are perfect for you if you want to strengthen and tone your inner thigh muscles.

Using resistance bands, you can target your adductors effectively, improving hip stability and balance and reducing the risk of injuries. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, these exercises can be modified to suit your fitness level.

1. Standing Leg Adduction

This exercise is an effective isolation movement specifically targeting the adductor muscles, and it closely resembles the cable standing abduction exercise commonly performed at gyms.

To perform this exercise, you'll require a loop resistance band and a sturdy pole, post, or beam to create tension without compromising stability.

To Do It:

  • Securely loop the resistance band around a sturdy post or beam, ensuring that it is positioned about 6 feet from the ground.
  • Place your right leg through the loop of the resistance band so it is securely around your ankle.
  • Step away from the post and rotate your body until you are standing at a 90-degree angle relative to the post.
  • Keep your right leg straight and initiate the movement by pulling your right leg across your body, past your left leg, in a crossover motion. You should feel your right leg's inner groin muscles (adductors) engaging and working.
  • Slowly allow your right leg to return towards the post in a controlled manner.
  • Repeat the exercise for the desired repetitions, then switch sides to work the opposite leg.

To increase the challenge of this exercise, stand further away from the post, ensuring that you still feel the tension in the resistance band even when your leg is not actively being pulled across your body. Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise, keeping your core engaged and your movements controlled.

Following these guidelines and incorporating this exercise into your routine can effectively target and strengthen your adductor muscles using a resistance band.

2. Banded Copenhagen Plank

The Banded Copenhagen plank is an effective exercise that targets the adductor muscles through isometric contractions, meaning the muscles contract without any movement. Isometric contractions are valuable for enhancing strength and preparing the muscles for more demanding movements, making this exercise beneficial for injury prevention.

To Do It:

  • Place a heavy resistance band around sturdy toe posts and beams, or utilize the J hooks of a squat rack.
  • Assume a side plank position with your body in a straight line, your weight supported on one forearm while the other arm rests on your hip.
  • Position your top leg across the resistance band so that the inside of your ankle rests on the band.
  • Apply pressure to the band through the top leg and attempt to hold the side plank position without relying on the support of your bottom leg. The band tension will provide an additional challenge, causing some shaking and instability you must overcome.
  • Maintain the position for a specific duration, focusing on pulling the top leg towards the ground to engage the adductor muscles effectively.
  • Once you complete the desired time, switch legs and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.

Opt for a thicker resistance band to ensure that you can sustain the side plank position and effectively challenge yourself against the band tension.

If you find lifting your bottom leg off the ground challenging, you can modify the exercise by keeping the leg on the ground and applying light pressure downward into the floor. This modification will make the movement slightly easier.

Incorporating the Banded Copenhagen plank into your routine can help strengthen the adductor muscles and improve injury prevention. Remember to maintain proper form and gradually increase the exercise duration as your strength and stability improve.

3. Quadruped Banded Adduction

The quadruped banded adduction exercise is a variation of the standing leg adduction exercise but performed in a quadruped position with the knees bent. This positioning provides a more stable base and allows for training the adductor muscles with heavier loads, making it a practical option for increasing adductor strength.

One notable advantage of this exercise is that it eliminates the possibility of leaning the body or using momentum to cheat, ensuring the adductors are appropriately targeted.

To Do It:

  • Wrap a resistance band around a squat rack or beam, positioning yourself so that you are turned 90 degrees from the band when it is stretched out.
  • Assume the quadruped position by positioning your hands and knees on the floor with your knees, hips, and elbows bent at 90 degrees. Ensure that your wrists are stacked below your shoulders.
  • Place the leg closest to the band into the loop of the resistance band, allowing the band to rest on the inner thigh or inner knee.
  • Move away from the squat rack or beam to create tension on the band while slightly lifting the leg outwards.
  • Engage the adductor muscles by pulling the inner thighs together, squeezing the inner groin muscles against the resistance band's tension.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired repetitions, then switch sides to work the opposite leg.

Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise to isolate the adductor muscles. Avoid arching or rounding the lower back, and ensure the hips are levelled with a flat lower back.

Be mindful not to lean to the side, away from the band, as you attempt to pull it inwards. Keep your body aligned and centered to engage the adductors effectively.

Incorporating the quadruped banded adduction exercise into your training routine can help strengthen the adductor muscles while promoting stability and proper muscle activation. As with any exercise, start with an appropriate resistance level and gradually increase the intensity as your strength improves.

4. Banded-Resisted Adduction Lunge

4. Banded-Resisted Adduction Lunge

The band-resisted adduction lunge is a variation that incorporates resistance bands to create an outward pulling tension on the lead leg. This tension generated by the band requires the adductor muscles to work against it during the execution of the lunge.

This exercise offers multiple benefits, including targeting the quadriceps and glutes while improving adductor strength and hip stability.

To Do It:

  • Secure a resistance band around a squat rack or beam. Stand approximately 2-3 feet away from the anchor point and step your inside leg through the loop of the band.
  • Turn your body to face 90 degrees from the band, ensuring that the band pulls outward on the inside leg. Position the band around the knee or high shin area.
  • Step backward into a reverse lunge using your left leg. As you descend into the lunge, you will feel the band attempting to pull your right leg outward.
  • Maintain proper form throughout the movement by keeping your right knee aligned over the right toe as you lower yourself into the lunge and then stand back up.
  • Complete all repetitions on one leg before switching to the other leg.

Consider wrapping a towel around the end of the resistance band to provide padding. This can help alleviate any discomfort caused by the band rubbing against the inside of the thigh. Additionally, a towel can help secure the band as you transition between different levels during the reverse lunge.

Focus on slowing the movement and resisting the band's tension while keeping your knee properly aligned. This will increase the time under tension for the adductor muscles, creating a more significant challenge and further engaging the adductors.

Incorporating the band-resisted adduction lunge into your workout routine can effectively target multiple muscle groups, including the quads, glutes, and adductors.

The exercise helps improve strength, stability, and control in the hip region by providing resistance during the lunge. Adjust the band tension and repetition range based on your fitness level and progressively challenge yourself as your strength and proficiency increase.

5. Banded Bulgarian Split Squat

Deep squatting targets not only the quadriceps and glutes but also the adductors. Individuals who performed full squats, reaching a knee flexion of 140 degrees ("ass to grass depth"), experienced significantly more significant muscle growth than those who performed half squats at a knee flexion of 90 degrees.

In particular, the entire squat group showed approximately 6% more adductor muscle growth. Achieving sufficient depth while maintaining tension requires single-leg exercises when using resistance bands. Incorporating elevation for the front foot makes it possible to perform split squats that allow the working knee to access deeper ranges of motion.

Gather a bench, a resistance band, and a sturdy object to elevate your front foot (such as books, wood blocks, a step, or a bumper plate).

To Do It:

  • Place one end of the loop resistance band under your right foot and position your right foot on the elevated platform.
  • Take the other end of the resistance band, loop it over your head, and let it rest on your left shoulder.
  • Position the bench approximately 2-3 feet behind your front foot and place your left foot on the bench behind you.
  • Descend into a deep split squat with your weight centered on the lead leg.
  • Stand up from the squat position, repeat the movement, and switch sides to work the opposite leg.

Ensure that you maintain an upright chest and torso throughout the exercise. This positioning helps apply upward tension to the resistance band. If your chest falls forward and your hips shoot back, the emphasis will shift away from the adductors and towards the glutes and lower back.

By incorporating this split squat variation with resistance bands, you can effectively target the adductors while engaging the quadriceps and glutes.

Adjust the resistance band's tension and the elevation of the front foot based on your strength and mobility. Progress gradually and focus on maintaining proper form and tension throughout the exercise to optimize the benefits for your adductor muscles.

6. Banded Sumo Squat

Banded sumo squats involve assuming a wide stance with toes pointed outward, allowing you to squat while keeping the thighs pulled apart. This positioning creates increased stretch and tension on the inner groin muscles, namely the adductors.

When incorporating resistance bands into this exercise, ensuring proper band placement and secure attachment under both feet and over the upper back is crucial.

To Do It:

  • Begin by taking the widest stance possible while still being able to squat below parallel, achieving more than 90 degrees of knee flexion.
  • Position yourself on one side of a loop resistance band, ensuring your toes are pointed outward, and your feet are wide.
  • Pull the other side of the loop resistance band over your head, resting it along your upper back as if you were holding a barbell for a squat.
  • Lower yourself into a deep squat to go as low as possible. The deeper the squat, the greater the activation of the adductors. Stand up and repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.

When squatting, ensure that your thighs are open and your knees are pointed in the same direction as your toes, approximately 30-45 degrees outward. This alignment helps minimize stress on the knee joint and optimizes the engagement of the adductor muscles.

Maintain proper form throughout the exercise, keeping your chest lifted and core engaged. Control the descent and ascent of each squat, focusing on activating the adductors as you push through your feet to stand back up.

Adjust the resistance band's tension based on your strength and comfort level, ensuring it provides a sufficient challenge without compromising your form. Incorporating banded sumo squats into your workout routine can effectively target the adductors, promote lower body strength, and enhance hip stability. Remember to listen to your body, start with an appropriate resistance level, and gradually progress as you become more comfortable with the exercise.

Sample Workout

Here's a suggested adductor workout routine utilizing resistance bands:

Please remember that training the adductors can lead to significant soreness, as these smaller muscle groups assist larger ones and are typically not trained with the same volume and intensity as the quads, hamstrings, or glutes.

Standing Leg Adduction

Perform 3 sets of 15-20 reps per leg. Use this exercise as a warm-up, focusing on slow and controlled movements. Take minimal rest between the legs.

Banded Front Foot Elevated (FFE) Bulgarian Split Squat

Complete 3 sets of 12-15 reps per leg, with a 60-90 seconds rest between sets. This exercise involves using a resistance band during a split squat with the front foot elevated. Maintain proper form and control throughout the movement.

Banded Copenhagen Plank

Perform 3 sets, holding each repetition for 30-45 seconds per leg. Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets. The Copenhagen Plank targets the adductors isometrically, providing an effective way to strengthen these muscles.

Place a resistance band around toe posts or beams and assume a side plank position, applying pressure to the band through the top leg.

Remember to adjust the resistance of the bands according to your fitness level and progressively increase the challenge as you get stronger. Focus on maintaining proper form, engaging the adductors, and performing the exercises with control.

Take rest days between workouts to allow your muscles to recover and adapt.

As with any workout routine, listen to your body, modify the exercises if needed, and consult a fitness professional if you have any specific concerns or limitations.

DMoose Resistance Bands

DMoose Resistance Bands

DMoose Resistance Bands are a versatile and reliable fitness tool to enhance your workout experience. These bands are made from high-quality, durable materials that ensure long-lasting performance and resistance.

With a range of resistance levels, you can easily customize your training intensity and target various muscle groups. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, DMoose Resistance Bands offer a wide range of exercises to incorporate into your fitness routine.

From strength training to rehabilitation exercises, these bands provide the necessary resistance to challenge your muscles and help you achieve your fitness goals.

With their compact and portable design, you can conveniently carry them anywhere and enjoy a full-body workout. DMoose Resistance Bands are a reliable companion for individuals looking to add variety, resistance, and effectiveness to their fitness regimen.


Resistance bands are an effective and versatile tool for strengthening and targeting the adductor muscles. Incorporating adductor exercises with bands into your fitness routine can offer numerous benefits, including reduced risk of groin injuries, improved hip performance, enhanced balance, and the convenience of training anywhere.

Whether you perform standing adduction exercises, Copenhagen planks, lunges, or deep squats, resistance bands provide the necessary tension and challenge to effectively engage and strengthen the adductors.

By consistently incorporating these exercises into your workouts, you can enhance your overall lower body strength, stability, and injury prevention. So, grab your resistance bands and start reaping the benefits of strong and resilient adductor muscles today.

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Rosie Ford

Rosie began her career in communications as a writer and later as a communications coordinator for renowned university of South Carolina. She is also trained in the field of article writing specially related to fitness and yoga.


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