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How to Do Dead Bug Exercise to Strengthen Your Core

The dead bug exercise helps engage your core muscles and improve overall stability and strength. Try the dead bug exercise today for a stronger, more defined core!

Daniel Murphy
How to Do Dead Bug Exercise to Strengthen Your Core
Table Of Contents

The dead bug exercise is a great way to strengthen your core. The dead bug exercise gets its name because it resembles a dead bug lying on its back with its legs in the air. This simple but effective move works your entire core, including your abs and obliques.

The dead bug is a popular exercise for building core strength and spinal stability. This makes it easier to move around and even helps prevent and treat lower back pain.

The dead bug works many of your core muscles, including your transverse abdominis, which wraps around your spine and sides, rectus abdominis, obliques, and pelvic floor. The dead bug may help lower your risk of low back pain by strengthening the erector spinae, a group of muscles in your lower back.

Research says that if your back and stomach muscles are weak, it could cause back pain. So, if you use the dead bug to strengthen your erector spinae, you may have less pain in that area.

The Dead Bug exercise is good for all athletes, from beginners to runners who want to get faster to cyclists who want to avoid getting hurt so often. Unlike many other abdominal exercises, it doesn't stress the lower back and can be easily performed in the comfort of your home.

In this article, we'll explain how to do the dead bug exercise correctly and provide a few tips on making it even more challenging.

How to Perform the Dead Bug Exercise?

Since the dead bug exercise is done on the ground, you need about as much room as a yoga mat. And for comfort, you probably want to use a thick yoga mat or some other exercise mat.

  • Lay on the mat with your arms straight out over your chest. Your arms should be at right angles to your body. Your hips and knees should be bent 90 degrees, and your feet should be off the ground. Your torso and thighs, as well as your thighs and shins, should make a right angle. This is where it starts.
  • Engage your core and keep your lower back in touch with the mat. Throughout the exercise, you want to ensure that your spine stays in this steady, neutral position.
  • Keep your right arm and left leg exactly where they are. Slowly reach your left arm back, over your head, and toward the floor as you extend your right knee and hip and reach your right heel toward the floor. As you do the extensions, move slowly and steadily while taking deep breaths. Don't twist or move your hips or abs. Stop moving your arm and leg just before they touch the ground.
  • Turn the movement around and put your left arm and right leg back where they started. Slowly and steadily, move forward while exhaling as you go.
  • Make the same moves on the other side, but keep your left arm and right leg still while you extend your right arm and left leg.
  • On each side, do the same number of reps. When you're done with a full set, put your feet back on the floor and sit up.

Some Common Mistakes

It’s crucial to perform the exercise correctly to maximize your gains. However, most people commit the following mistakes when performing the dead bug exercise.

Going Too Quickly

The most common mistake people make with the dead bug exercise is mistaking it for a bicycle crunch and trying to use speed and momentum to get through it. If you notice that all of your limbs are moving simultaneously, it's a sign that you haven't fully stopped at the top of the movement before starting the movement to the other side.

When it comes to being stable, slow and steady wins the race. If you feel like you're going too fast, try going slower. As soon as you start moving faster, your torso starts to move, and you stop keeping your core perfectly stable.

If you can't stop yourself from doing each repetition too quickly, there's a trick: grab a stability ball or a foam roller and hold it between your hands and knees as you get ready to start the exercise. The objective is to keep the tool from falling, which you can't do if you let go of it with more than two limbs at once.

By holding it in place with one hand and one knee while extending the other arm and leg, you are forced to slow down and "reset" between each rep before moving on to the other side.

Arching the Low Back Away From the Floor

Weak core stabilizers, especially your transverse abdominis and spinal erectors, are one reason why, when you do supine abdominal exercises, your back may automatically arch up and away from the floor. Your muscles aren't strong enough to hold your lower back still.

If you notice that your back is arched, try to fix it by slowing down. If slowing down doesn't help, try the above-mentioned trick: hold a stability ball or foam roller steady with two extremities while the opposite extremities move through their extensions.

If you still can't keep your low back from arching off the floor, you should limit how far your extensions can move. Only go as far as you can with your leg, and the opposite arm before your back starts to arch. When you feel your low back arching, bring your arm and leg back to the middle and repeat on the other side.

Dead Bug Variations

There are many ways to make dead bugs easier or harder to find. Keeping your arms still at your sides and focusing on lowering your legs will make it easier. This is good for beginners. You can also bend your knees to relieve some of the strain on your abs.

You can move the limbs on the same side for an extra challenge. As you get stronger, you can keep the dead bug in your workout routine by making it more challenging by doing it with straight legs, holding a dumbbell, or putting a resistance band loop around your feet.

Here are some of the dead bug variations you can try:

Foam Roller Dead Bug

This exercise adds another stability dimension to the dead bug, making it more challenging.


  • Use a full foam roller to start.
  • Lying on your back, put the foam roller along your spine.
  • Raise your arms so that your hands are over your shoulders and your arms are at a right angle to the floor.
  • Stay in this position and slowly breathe in through your nose. This will make your lower abdomen move out while your chest stays still.
  • Raise one leg by bending it at the knee until it's aligned with your hips.
  • Lower your leg. As you exhale, maintain your abdomen position. Alternate legs.

Dead Bug With Weight

To make this move more challenging, you can hold a weight in each hand.


  • Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Place a weight in each hand and extend your arms straight toward the ceiling. This is the starting position.
  • Slowly lower your right leg and left arm from here until they hover just above the floor.
  • Return to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg and right arm. That's one rep.

Dead Bug With a Ball


  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place the ball between your knees.
  • Confidently press your lower back into the floor and flatten your belly button to your spine. This is the starting position.
  • As you exhale, slowly extend one leg until it's aligned with your hip. At the same time, reach your opposite arm overhead.
  • Keep the ball squeezed between your knees throughout the movement.
  • Inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg. That's one rep.
  • Remember, quality over quantity! If you lose form, take a break or modify the exercise by keeping your knees bent instead of extended.

Bent-Leg Dead Bugs With Arms Flat


  • Lay flat on your back with your arms out to the sides. Bend your knees and bring them up so that your thighs and hips form a 90-degree angle and your calves are parallel to the floor. This is where you'll start.
  • Hold your core tight and reach one arm up and behind your head as you straighten the other leg. Don't let the leg touch the ground.
  • Go back to the beginning to do the same thing on the other side.

Is the Dead Bug a Safe Exercise?

The dead bug is a popular exercise for toning the abdominal muscles and strengthening the lower back. Despite its name, there is nothing dangerous about this exercise. In fact, it is one of the safest exercises you can do to strengthen your core.

However, some people are concerned that the exercise is unsafe, particularly for those with back pain. While it is true that the dead bug can put pressure on the spine, this is only a concern if the exercise is not performed correctly. When done correctly, the dead bug is a safe exercise that can help strengthen the core and prevent injuries.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that the dead bug can help reduce low back pain. So, if you are looking for an effective and safe way to strengthen your core, the dead bug is a great option.


1. What is the Dead Bug exercise, and what does it involve?

The Dead Bug exercise is a core-strengthening exercise involving lying on your back on the floor with your arms and legs spread out in a "V" shape. You then engage your core muscles to lift and hold each limb off the floor while keeping your body still. This exercise can help improve stability, balance, and coordination while strengthening your abdominal and lower back muscles.

2. When should I do the Dead Bug exercise?

The Dead Bug exercise can be performed at any time as part of your regular strength training routine or as a standalone workout on its own. It can be done either before or after other exercises, or you can do a set or two by itself when you are short on time or need an effective core workout session.

3. How often should I do the Dead Bug exercise?

Some people may prefer to perform this exercise once or twice per week to build up strength gradually over time, while others may respond better by doing it more frequently to see faster results. Ultimately, how often you choose to do the Dead Bug exercise will depend on your personal fitness goals and how your body responds to the movements involved.

4. How many repetitions should I do with the Dead Bug exercise?

There is no set number of repetitions that you should aim for when performing the Dead Bug exercise since this will depend on factors such as your overall fitness level and what other exercises you are doing along with it. However, a good rule of thumb is to start with just a few repetitions per set and gradually increase this number as needed over time based on how well your body responds to this movement pattern.

5. Are there any modifications or variations I can try for this exercise?

If you have any underlying health conditions or injuries that make certain movements difficult, you may consider trying alternative versions of the Dead Bug exercise that are less challenging for your body but still allow you to work these crucial core muscles effectively.


In conclusion, the dead bug exercise is great for your abs and overall posture. It also has many benefits, such as preventing injuries, reducing lower back pain, and improving posture. There are many different variations of the dead bug exercise that you can try depending on your fitness level. The most important thing is to ensure you are doing the exercise correctly and in good form to avoid injury.

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Article Sources

  • de Sousa, Camila Santana, et al. “Lower Limb Muscle Strength in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, vol. 19, no. 1, 2019, pp. 69–78. PubMed Central,
  • Seo, KyoChul, and KwangYong Park. “The Effect of Trunk Stabilization Circuit Exercise Using a Rubber Mat on the thickness and White Area Index of Transverse Abdominis in Healthy Young.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, vol. 30, no. 6, June 2018, pp. 892–95. PubMed Central,

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Daniel Murphy

Hey! I'm Daniel Murphy, a fitness enthusiast. I love combining my passion for fitness with writing to create content that's well-researched, engaging, and unique. My goal is to inspire and educate you, helping you reach your fitness goals with confidence and a bit of fun along the way. Let's get fit together!

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