Upper Back

Strengthen your upper back with these exceptional upper back workouts. Not only do they strengthen your upper back, they also give you a wider appearance and make you look more aesthetic.


Cable Squat to Underhand Row

Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Middle Back Secondary Target Muscles Biceps, Forearms, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads, Shoulders Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Cable Machine, V Bar Fitness Level Intermediate Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Pull Target Muscles: Middle Back Cable Squat to Underhand Row Overview It's an exercise machine that targets the middle back, while to some extent, it focuses on the biceps, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, quads and shoulders. To perform this workout, you will need a cable machine and v bar. This workout is for those with an intermediate level of fitness and gym experience. You can learn how to do it through some instructions and tips. How to Do It? Firstly, hook a v-bar handle up to the cable machine and place the handle at a notch above waist height. Hold the handle with both hands and pull it out so that the cable is taught. Bend at the knees with your arms extended and squat down till your knees make 90-degree angles. As you stand back up, pull the v-bar handle to your chest. Pinch your shoulder blades together. Squat back down and extend your arms back out as you do. This completes one rep. Now repeat as necessary. Cable Squat to Underhand Row Tips While you perform the workout, make sure your back is straight. Hold the cable handle tightly. Before you return the handles to starting position, tighten your back muscles.

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Seated Neutral Grip Band Rows

Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Upper Back Secondary Target Muscles Biceps, Lats, Shoulders Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Band Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Pull Target Muscle: Upper Back Seated Neutral Grip Band Rows Overview Seated rows are a great way to work the muscles in your back, and they can be done with or without weights. However, many people don't realize that resistance bands can also be used for seated rows. Using a resistance band offers a number of benefits over traditional weights. First, resistance bands are low-impact, so they're easy on your joints. Second, they're portable, so you can do them anywhere. And third, they provide a constant level of resistance, which helps to build muscle more effectively. If you're looking for a new way to work your back muscles, try doing seated rows with a resistance band. You may be surprised at how effective they are. How to Do It To set up for the exercise, start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you. Wrap the resistance band around your feet and hold the ends in each hand. Sit up tall, keeping your shoulders down and back and your core engaged. From this position, exhale as you row the band back, keeping your elbows close to your sides. You should feel your back muscles working as you do this. Inhale as you return to the starting position. Seated Neutral Grip Band Rows Tips You can also try this exercise with one arm at a time to focus on each side of your back evenly Be sure to keep your torso stable throughout the exercise and avoid rounding your back.

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Machine Row

Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Upper Back Secondary Target Muscles Biceps, Lats  Workout Type Strength Training  Gym Gear Machine Fitness Level Beginner  Compound/Isolated  Compound  Power Move  Pull  Target Muscle: Upper Back Machine Row Overview This is a simple yet challenging workout that can provide a number of benefits for both the mind and body. Machine row is an excellent way to build strength and muscle mass. In addition, it can help to improve posture and flexibility.  Additionally, machine row is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints, making it ideal for those with joint problems or injuries. And because machine row can be done at your own pace, it’s perfect for beginners or those looking for a more relaxed workout. How to Do Sit in a rowing machine with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your knees bent at 90 degrees. Grip the handles of the rowing machine with your hands and pull them towards your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. Slowly pull the handles as far back as you can Squeeze the shoulder blades to return to the starting position and repeat. Exercise Tips Use a lightweight at first so that you can get used to the motion. As you get stronger, you can increase your weight. Keep your back straight and avoid rounding your shoulders. Squeeze your shoulder blades tight at the top of the exercise. Exhale as you pull the handles back and inhale as you return to the starting position.

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