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We're all unique and we're here to help you achieve your ideal body. A fun, easy, and effective exercise program tailored to achieve your perfect body is our goal.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Biceps, Triceps, Quads, Abs, Upper and Lower Back Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Dumbbell Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Pull Target Muscles: Glutes Right Arm Dumbbell Snatch Overview This exercise targets the glutes and some other parts of the body that include the biceps, triceps, quads, abs, and upper and lower back. The equipment needed to perform this exercise is dumbbells. As this workout targets different muscles of your body, it has a beneficial effect on strengthening endurance in your upper and lower body. How to Do It? Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in your right hand. Keeping your elbow close to your side, raise the dumbbell up until your arm is fully extended overhead. From here, explosively extend your hips and knees as you pull the weight up in front of your body. As the dumbbell reaches chest level, flip your wrist so that your palm is facing forward and catch the weight at the top of the movement. Lower the weight back down to the starting position and repeat for 8-10 reps before switching sides. Right Arm Dumbbell Snatch Tips Push your hips back and bend your knees while holding the dumbbell. Keep your chest up, and look forward. Push your hips forward, with your shoulders and chest moving up and back. Keep the dumbbells close to your body. When you pull the dumbbell to your shoulder level, keep your legs straight with your glutes squeezed. Then, you can pull the dumbbell above your head and then lower it down to ground level.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Abs and Hamstrings Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Bodyweight Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Isolated Power Move Push (bilateral) Target muscle: Glutes Bodyweight Glute Bridge Overview The Bodyweight Glute Bridge is a great exercise for targeting the glutes (buttocks) and hamstrings. The move is simple to perform and can be done with no equipment, making it an ideal choice for at-home or gym workouts. Additionally, this exercise can be easily modified to make it more challenging as needed. For example, you can place your feet on an elevated surface such as a chair or couch to increase the range of motion and make the move more difficult. How to Do It? Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground about hip-width apart. Place your hands on the ground beside you. Lift your hips off the ground, contracting your glutes and hamstrings. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower your hips back to the starting position. Start with 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions and increase as needed. Bodyweight Glute Bridge Tips Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to protect your lower back. Focus on contracting your glutes and hamstrings as you lift your hips off the ground. Don't let your knees cave in as you perform the move. Keep them in line with your ankles and hips. To make the exercise more challenging, try placing your feet on an elevated surface such as a chair or couch. You can also add weight by holding a dumbbell or kettlebell on your pelvis.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Abs, Hamstrings Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Bands Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Isolation Power Move Push Target Muscle: Glutes Banded Lateral Walk Overview This is an excellent glute-strengthening exercise that builds strength in your hip muscles, improves stability, and minimized hip and back pain. It sculpts your legs and engages many of the deep muscles that help enhance stability in your pelvis. This exercise must be a staple part of your regular routine if you struggle with hip stiffness. Whether you’re performing it as a warm-up exercise or part of your regular routine, you must follow the right form in order to make the most of it. How to Do It Assume an athletic position. You can do this by bending your knees, eyes facing forward, and hips flexed. Wrap a resistance band just above your knees. Keep your fit at the width of your shoulders and step laterally. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Banded Lateral Walk Tips As you step laterally, ensure your feet do not get closer than shoulder-width. You have to keep them wide and take small steps forward. Your hips should not tilt towards your face as push your knees away from each other. Your glute medium should feel the contraction. Keep your upper body slightly tilted forward. Do not use momentum to control the range of motion, use the musculature. If one of your glutes feels relatively less contracted, place twice as much volume on that side.
Exercise Description Target Muscle Group Glutes Secondary Muscles Hamstrings Exercise Type Strength Equipment Required Cable Pulley Experience Level Intermediate Compound/Isolated Compound Force Type Pull Target Muscles: Glutes and Hamstrings Cable 45-Degree Kickback Overview The glutes and hamstrings are two of the body's most important muscles in terms of movement. The glutes control hip and knee motions when walking, squatting, bending your legs, and tilting your pelvis, as well as kneeling down, lowering yourself to the ground with one leg at a time. These muscles assist us in moving more efficiently and help prevent injuries. The muscles that the cable 45-degree kickback works are the hamstrings, glutes, and calves. This exercise is a great way to target these muscles and help tone them. To do the cable 45-degree kickback, you will need to find a cable machine with a pulley attached at a 45-degree angle. You will also need to attach an ankle cuff to the pulley. How To Do It In this exercise, you’ll be working your glutes and hamstrings Stand up straight facing a cable pulley machine. Attach your ankle strap to the machine on the lowest setting. Start by keeping both your feet together. Pull back the strapped leg at a 45-degree angle, while keeping your knee straight and feeling your upper glutes stretch. Lower your leg slowly and return to your original position, Repeat the exercise on your other leg for 12-15 reps. Cable 45-Degree Kickbacks Tips When doing the cable 45-degree kickback, be sure to keep your back straight and maintain proper form. You should also avoid arching your lower back. If you feel any pain in your lower back, stop doing the exercise and consult a doctor. Be sure to use a weight that is comfortable for you and that allows you to complete the desired number of repetitions. If the weight is too heavy, you will not be able to complete the exercise correctly and could cause an injury. If you are a beginner, start with no weight or very lightweight and work your way up as you become stronger. Make sure that the ankle cuff is secured tightly around your ankle to avoid it slipping off during the exercise.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Abs, Hamstrings, Upper Back, Lower Back Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Band Fitness Level Intermediate Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Hinge Target Muscle: Glutes Band Good Mornings Overview This is a banded variation of good morning that targets your glutes. With the accurate resistance provided by the band, your target muscles are adequately contracted which brings quick and effective results. This is a great exercise if you want a twist to your exercise regime. How to Do Keep your feet equidistant and stand on the band. Wrap the other end of the band around your neck. Grab the band at shoulder length and pull it up slightly to release the tension. Now, unlock your knees and hinge back your hips. Return to the starting position by driving through your entire foot. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Exercise Tips Make sure to keep a neutral spine and neutral neck throughout the movement. Keep your weight equally distributed in your entire foot when you move up. Don't drive through your heels.
Exercise Description Target Muscle Group Glutes Secondary Muscles Quads Exercise Type Strength Equipment Required Cable pulley machine Experience Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Compound Force Type Pull Target Muscles: Glutes and Quads Cable Straight Leg Hip Flexions Overview The hip muscles are important for a variety of different movements, including walking, running, and jumping. Strong hip muscles can help to prevent injuries, and also improve your overall performance in these activities. Additionally, strong hip muscles can help to alleviate lower back pain. Therefore, it is beneficial to exercise the hip muscles for both injury prevention and performance enhancement. The cable straight leg hip flexion exercise targets the iliopsoas muscle group, which includes the psoas major and iliacus muscles. These muscles are responsible for flexing the hip joint, as well as stabilizing the pelvis and lower back. This exercise can be performed with a variety of different cable machines, or with a resistance band attached to a sturdy object. How To Do It? This exercise will help you work up your glutes, quads and hip flexors. Attach the cable to your ankle strap Stand straight, with your back facing the cable pulley machine Start pulling your leg forward, up to a 45-degree angle Make sure you are keeping your knee straight while pulling Repeat the exercise on the other leg for12-15 reps per side Tips For Cable Straight Leg Hip Flexion As with any exercise, it is important to warm up before performing the cable straight leg hip flexion. A light jog or dynamic stretching routine will help to prepare your muscles for the workout ahead. When using a resistance band, be sure to secure it firmly to avoid it snapping back and causing injury. If you are using a cable machine, be mindful of the weight you are lifting and do not exceed your personal lifting limit. Always use a spotter when performing this exercise with heavyweights. Lastly, be sure to cool down and stretch after your workout to avoid any muscle soreness.
Exercise Description Target Muscle Group Glutes Secondary Muscles Abdominals, Hamstrings Exercise Type Strength Equipment Required Core Slider Experience Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Compound Force Type Pull Target Muscle: Glutes Core Slider Glute Bridge with Hamstring Curl Overview The core slider glute bridge with a hamstring curl is a great way to work your glutes and hamstrings. It's a fantastic way to work your glutes and keep pain and strain at bay. It's also a wonderful way to strengthen them so you can lift more and run faster. How to Do Start by lying on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent. Place a core slider under each foot. Hoist your hips off the ground, until you are resting on your upper back all the while pressing down into the sliders While maintaining this elevated posture bend your knees to bring the core sliders towards you, feeling the tension in your hamstrings Inhale and extend your feet before lowering down to the starting position Repeat for the specified reps or time Exercise Tips Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement. Keep your hips level, and do not allow them to sag or rotate during the exercise. Use a slow and controlled motion, and focus on squeezing your glutes and hamstrings throughout the range of motion.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Abs, Hamstring Force Type Push Workout Type Strength training Gym Gear Bodyweight, Barbell Fitness Level Intermediate Compound/Isolated Isolated Target Muscles: Glutes, Abs, Hamstring Barbell Glute Bridge Overview The barbell glute bridge is a strengthening exercise for glute muscles. Many lifters assume that workouts like the squats and deadlifts are all you require to develop a complete and strong pair of glutes. However, this isn't entirely accurate. For aesthetics, usefulness, and strength, using more isolation-focused glute workouts like the barbell glute bridge is a good option. How to Do It? Stand straight and secure a handle at chest level to a cable stack. Grip the handle to your chest, having feet wide open (shoulder-width apart) in an athletic base position. Squeeze the handle horizontally to extend as you exhale. Go back to the initial position for fulfilling desired reps. Barbell Glute Bridge Tips Stand straight and secure a handle at chest level to a cable stack. Grip the handle to your chest, having feet wide open (shoulder-width apart) in an athletic base position. Squeeze the handle horizontally to extend as you exhale. Go back to the initial position for fulfilling desired reps.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Abs, Hamstrings Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Bodyweight Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Isolation Power Move Push Target Muscle: Glutes Hip Dips Overview Hip dips are a common problem faced by several women trying to get rid of that. These are the inward curves on the side of the hips just below the hip bone. This unique body structure is completely normal but exercise can be very helpful in getting rid of the dips. These exercises focus on the stability and strength of the hips. It also promotes fluidity in your daily routine and recedes the risk of injury. This overall improves the appearance of the hip dips. How to Do It Lie down on your back and place your hands on your sides. Assume a stance just a bit wider than your hips and brace your core. Slowly lift your hips off the ground. Now inhale and lower your hips back on the ground. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Hip Dips Tips Ensure to keep your core braced throughout the exercise. Do not forget to exhale and inhale through the exercise. Hike your hips and lower back off the ground but not your mid back.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Abductors, Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Quads Workout Type Warm up Gym Gear - Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Dynamic Stretching Target Muscles: Glutes Curtsy Lunge Overview The main muscles worked with a curtsy lunge are the glutes (buttocks), quads (thighs), and hamstrings (back of the legs). However, because you’re also squatting down low and balancing on one leg, your core muscles (abs and lower back) have to work hard to stabilize your body too. How to Do It Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while your arms in front of your chest. Shift your weight onto your right foot and step back with your left foot. Bend the left leg at the knee and lower it close to the floor without touching it. Ensure that your chest stays straight and proud as you lower your knee behind the front leg, keeping your hands in curtsying fashion. Start to straighten up with your right leg, returning your left foot to the starting position. Repeat the desired number of reps. Tips on Curtsy Lunges Keeping your torso straight is the right tip here. Foot placement will determine your stability. Agility is not the goal: try to main a stable posture.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Legs, Thighs and Hips Secondary Target Muscles Shoulders and arms Workout Type Cardio Gym Gear Bodyweight Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Static High Knees Overview High knees might seem like a simple exercise to perform, but doing just a few sets of this high-energy move will get your heart pumping, and activate your lower body and core muscles. What’s more, high knees can serve as a warmup, cardio between resistance training exercises, or part of a high-intensity interval training workout. How to Do it Stand tall with your feet almost hip-to-shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Looking straight ahead, open your chest, and engage your core muscles. Begin by bringing your right knee toward your chest, slightly above waist level. Simultaneously, move your left hand up in a pumping motion. Quickly lower your right leg and left hand. Repeat with your left leg and right hand. Alternate your right and left leg for the desired time. Tips on High Knees Take 30-60 seconds off after a set. If you can't handle high speed, you can do it slowly
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Back Extensor Muscles, Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Core Workout Type Aerobic activity Gym Gear None Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Explosive Target Muscle: Glutes, Back Extensor Muscles, Core Swimmers Overview Swimmers might seem like a fun exercise in which all you have to do is lie on the floor and act as if you are swimming. But, in reality, it is a lot more than that. It can be quite challenging as it engages the muscles of your entire body to do the movement. The exercise targets your glutes, lower back, and core. It would be best to use your hamstrings to lift your legs off the mat. It also targets the back extensor muscles, which are important in aligning your spine and reducing the tension in your neck. How to Do It Lie on your stomach on the mat with your legs straight, and arms extended forward overhead. Your shoulders should be away from your ears and shoulder blades in the back. Engage your abs and contract them to pull your belly button away from the mat. Your arms and legs should be extended and not on the floor. Your head should not be on the ground either. Lift your right arm and left leg up and do some pulses. Then lift your left arm and right leg for pulses. Continue to do so for a minute, at least. Swimmers Tips While doing the exercise, imagine yourself swimming in the pool. Do not forget to breathe during the exercise. Do not strain your neck and keep it in a neutral position.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Core Workout Type Bodyweight exercise Gym Gear Resistance bands Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Isolation Power Move Hip abduction Target Muscles: Gluteus Maximus Fire Hydrants Overview The fire hydrants specifically target your glutes and sides. If you want to give a perfect definition to your glutes, practicing fire hydrants is the best. This easy exercise can be performed anytime and anywhere, but It's critical to master the technique before attempting this exercise. This is a bodyweight exercise, but you can practice with resistance bands if you want to add any resistance to it. The exercise will strengthen your glutes, improve your hip mobility, strengthen your lower back and reduce the risk of injuries. How to Do It Start with a tabletop position. Keep your hands directly below the shoulders and knees directly below the hips. You should not lock your elbows here. Engage your core and glutes, and while breathing, lift one leg and move your knee sideways and away from your body until it forms an angle of 45 degrees. Keeping your knees bent the entire time, slowly lower your leg and return to starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps and then switch to the other leg. If you are using a resistance band, place it on your thighs and do the same. Fire Hydrants Tips Engage your core throughout the exercise. Avoid using resistance bands if you are new to exercise.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glute Secondary Target Muscles Hamstring, Lower back Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Bodyweight Fitness Level Intermediate Compound/Isolated Isolation Power Move Hinge Target Muscles: Glutes Hyperextension Overview The hyperextension movement targets the muscles in the back of the body, including the erector spinae, which runs along the spine, and the gluteus maximus, which is the largest muscle in the buttocks. Hamstrings are also worked during hyperextension exercises. Hyperextensions can be performed with or without weight, and are often included in lower-body workouts. How to Do It Start by lying face down on the bench with your hips and thighs supported. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the footpads. Place your hands behind your head or crossed over your chest. Brace your abs and squeeze your glutes. Slowly raise your torso up until your back is in line with your hips. Hold for a count of two, then lower back down under control. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Tips on Hypertension Keep your head and neck comfortable and neutral. When you pull yourself up, the whole body should be in a straight line.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Hamstrings Secondary Target Muscles Calves, Glutes, Quads Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Machine Fitness Level Intermediate Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Push Target Muscle: Glutes Reverse Hack Squat Overview The reverse hack squat is a variation of the regular squats performed on a hack machine. It requires you to push up the weights with your shoulders and chest while engaging your core and targeting the hamstrings and glutes. Since this is an intermediate fitness level workout, you must have prior experience and strength to do weighted squats. Moreover, when exercising, the individual must be aware of machines, setting different weights according to stamina, and stopping when needed. How to Do It Adjust the hack machine according to your height and fix the bar on lighter weights, to begin with. Stand on the machine and place your shoulders below on the weight pads and assume the squat position Once you’re in position, push the weights upwards with the help of your shoulders, using the push from your feet Slowly lower down the weights until your hamstrings and calves are almost perpendicular to each other This will complete your single rep Tips for Reverse Hack Squat Make sure you start with light weights to avoid any injuries Do not lock your knees when you’re lifting weights with your shoulders Take your time to build the stamina and switch to heavier weights Make sure to always warm-up and cool down after this workout
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Abs and Hamstrings Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Bodyweight and bench Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Isolation Power Move Push Single Leg Bodyweight Hip Thrust Overview Single leg bodyweight hip thrust is an advanced form of the conventional bodyweight hip thrust. Since this is a beginner to intermediate level workout, you are not required to use any weights. But to challenge your strength, you can add in a barbell with a squat pad and place it under your belly button and up high on your thighs. This workout helps you target your glutes, quads, and hamstrings to make sure you are exercising various muscles simultaneously. How to Do It Sit with your back against a bench and keep your knees bent and thighs parallel to the floor To start the exercise, lift up your left leg, making a 90-degree angle between your left hip and knee Lift your leg high enough to align the hip with your spine Keep your hands behind your head, and rest your elbows and upper arm on the bench Slowly return to the leg down but do not touch the floor until all your reps are completed. Tips on Bodyweight Hip Thrusts Start with fewer sets and reps: build your stamina first. Do not think you can let go of hip thrusts if you are doing glute bridges: the two are not interchangeable. Rest against the bench just below your shoulder blade to give your body solid support.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Shoulder, Back Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Resistance Bands Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Bent-Knee flexion Target Muscles: Glutes, Core, Shoulders, Back Donkey Kicks Overview Donkey kicks target your glutes and make them strong. They also play a great role in giving a perfect shape to your butt and correcting your form, while improving your balance and coordination and enhancing your posture. It is better to learn the technique first to do the exercise. While it may seem simple, the majority are doing it wrong. How to Do It Start on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders. The back of the neck should be flat. Engage your core and glutes, and lift your right leg towards the ceiling with a bend in the knees. Make sure that your hips and lower back are in the same position throughout the exercise. Lower the right leg to starting position and lift the other leg. Donkey Kicks Tips Avoid rushing, and keep it controlled. Make sure to breathe throughout the exercise. Avoid arching your back.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Abs, Hamstrings, Upper Back, Lower Back Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Barbell Fitness Level Intermediate Compound/Isolated Compound Power Move Hinge Target Muscle: Glutes This exercise is a variation of hip-hinge which targets your glutes primarily. Some people use this exercise to build strength in their backs but in order to utilize its maximum benefits, it’s better to perform it to focus on glutes. The exercise improves functional strength, recedes the risk of a hamstring injury, improves hip mobility, and produces greater gains. If properly done, it can prove to be one of the most effective exercises for the posterior chain. How to Do It Set the bar on the rack at the height of your shoulders and safeties to hip height. Position the bar on your traps or slightly below. Hinge back your hips and keep your spine neutral. Now extend the hip back to get to the original position. Make sure to drive through the whole foot. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Good Morning Tips Make sure to maintain a neutral spine, it has a huge role to play in your range of motion. Try holding the bar with a false grip i.e., a thumbless grip as it helps alleviate wrist issues. Experiment with your neck position to check which one suits you better. Ensure to drive through your entire foot and not just on the heels. Just keep three points of contact with the ground: big toe, little toe, and heel.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Hamstrings Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Bodyweight Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Isolation Power Move Push Target Muscle: Glutes Glute Kickback Overview Glute kickback is also commonly known as quadricep hip extension. It is an excellent way to warm up the glutes and work on them. Some people also know this exercise as donkey kicks. It is an ideal way to build muscle, improve balance, and build strength. Glutes actually hold the ability to support your entire body and render stability to your lower back to enable it to lift heavier loads. For this reason, it should be a staple exercise in your normal regimen. How to Do It Get on your fours, keep your hands under your shoulders, and knees under your hips. Keep a neutral spine, bend your knee at a 90-degree angle and kick the heel of your foot towards the ceiling. Return to the starting position. Then repeat with the other side. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Glute Kickback Tips Make sure that your lumbar spine doesn’t move at all. While performing the reps keep your head down. You don’t have to look straight or ahead in this exercise. Ensure that your elbows are completely locked out.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Calves, Glutes, Lower Back, Hamstrings Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Smith Machine Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Intermediate Power Move Push Target Muscle: Glutes Smith Machine Sumo Squats Overview Sumo squats are a fantastic lower-body movement that targets the glutes and calves, as well as the hamstrings, lower back, and secondary muscles such as your quadriceps. It is one of the best compound exercises that focuses on your glutes and inner thighs to make them firmer. The exercise is performed with a smith machine but you can also add more gear to it such as a lifting belt or hip circle. How to Do It Start by positioning yourself under the barbell with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing outwards. Once you have assumed this position, brace your core and slowly lower your hips towards the floor. Now, lower your body, make sure that you keep your back straight and maintain an excellent squatting technique by keeping your knees from moving too far forward. Once your thighs are parallel with the floor, drive through your heels, extend your hips and knees, and return to the starting position. Smith Machine Sumo Squats Tips It is critically important for you to keep your back straight throughout the workout. To ensure that keep facing forward. Keep your core braced throughout the exercise to keep your back still. Push yourself through the heels of your feet not through the balls as it would stress your joints. Squat deep down till your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Exercise Description Main Target Muscles Glutes Secondary Target Muscles Hamstrings Workout Type Strength Gym Gear Machine Fitness Level Beginner Compound/Isolated Isolation Power Move Explosive Bodyweight Exercise Target Muscle: Glutes Glute Cable Kickback Overview This strengthening exercise is a variation of glute kickbacks. It focuses on glutes as primary muscles and hamstrings as secondary. Beginners who are trying to build strength in their glutes and lower body as a whole would find this exercise super effective. The exercise doesn’t just shape these groups of muscles but also tones them. Since your leg moves in a kicking motion behind your body in this exercise, you would experience an enhancement in balance and stability as well. How to Do It Attach your ankle cuff to a lower cable pulley. Stand about 2 feet away in front of a cable pulley machine, so your right ankle aligns with the pulley. Attach the ankle cuff to your right ankle. Set the weight on the pulley machine according to your fitness level Hold the frame for support and hinge at the hips to keep your chest upright. Engage your core, and bend the knees slightly while squeezing your glutes to pull your right leg backward. Keep your left leg firmly planted to provide balance. Slowly return your right leg to the front, bending at the knee. Repeat for desired repetitions, and then repeat on your left leg. Glute Cable Kickback Tips Make sure you are squeezing your glutes properly. For that, try to keep the pace of your exercise slow and controlled. When choosing a weight, pick one that doesn’t make your body jerk. Your body must be as still as possible. To increase the intensity level, pause for a few seconds and squeeze your glutes when your leg is fully extended.